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critical energy中文是什么意思

用"critical energy"造句"critical energy"怎么读"critical energy" in a sentence


  • 临界能量


  • This year , for example , we have put forward an initiative to set up a system to protect critical energy infrastructure facilities against terrorist attacks
    15 ,审查申请书的时间不应超过自递交申请书及所有必要的文件之日起30个工作日。
  • While it is known that glc the critical energy release rate based on the energy balance method should have the same effect as kic in depicting the fracture of concrete
    而基于能量平衡方法推出的临界能量释放率g _ ( ic ) ,在分析研究混凝土断裂中应同k _ ( ic )具有同样的效果。
  • In terms of organizational system , the operational principles of the ecsc ' s various umbrella organizations directly became the operational models of , and examples for emulation by , europe ' s most critical energy and economic “ communities ” and the various organizations of the eventual european union
  • The demands that transient energy function methods must meet for the non - autonomous motion system are also proposed , which include that the critical energy should be determined by the critical trajectory and the post - fault stable equilibrium point should be determined by the critical clearing time
  • The impact tests were carried out at the mid - span , and internal pressures of ompa , 5mpa , lompa and 15mpa were used in addition to the tests with water . the critical energy of perforation and the ballistic speed was measured , and the various types of rupture were identified from the section of the test specimens . force - time curves and internal pressure - time curves were obtained from experiment
用"critical energy"造句  


Critical Energy is a live album by Threshold, released in 2004.
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